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Family Counselling

Signs Your Family May Benefit From Family Counselling

If you and your loved ones have been struggling to communicate effectively, it can be hard to know when it's time to bring in some outside help. Let's take a look at some of the key signs that you and your family may benefit from family counselling.


  • You're going through a life transition. Any big change causes stress for your family. Whether the change is positive (a new baby, a blended family, a positive change in income level) or negative (a death in the family, divorce), change is hard.

  • You're having the same argument over and over again. If you find that your family is stuck on an argument and struggling to move forward, it's time to get some help.

  • There are patterns of disrespect. If you or a loved one are communicating in a way that doesn't show care and compassion, a therapist or counselor can help.

Whether your family is going through a life transition, searching for LGBTQ counseling Vancouver, or simply needs to learn how to better communicate with one another, we invite you to reach out to us at Grounded Counselling for a family counselling session. Your counselor will work with you to better understand your family's issues, and will help you develop concrete strategies that can help you to better understand one another. When you come to family counselling, we work hard to help you and your family members communicate in a safe, effective way that can help to resolve issues and move toward healing. If you're searching for LGBTQ counseling Vancouver or general family counselling, we're here to help. Reach out to us today to learn more.

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